On the following pages we show videos and articles on, or relevant to, ODS. The videos are just below. For the articles click first on the 3 horizontal bars in the upper left-hand corner, then in the menu on 'Reading and Resources', then on the '+' sign.


First, just below the book The Rape of Palestine: A Mandate Chronology by Blake Alcott, PDF downloadable here for free. Hardbound book (2 Vols., €108) and ebook (€5.98) available at Tredition: https://shop.tredition.com/search/dGhlIHJhcGUgb2YgcGFsZXN0aW5l

The Rape of Palestine: A Mandate Chronology, by Blake Alcott (2023).
This is a REFERENCE BOOK with 490 entries documenting the dialogue, such as it was, between the British colonial rulers and the Palestinian ruled during the 'Mandate' years 1918-1948. It has a Theme Index with 42 different themes one can trace throughout the 30 years, and an extensive bibliography and several appendices.
The Rape of Palestine A Mandate Chronolo
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.1 MB
Corrections of The Rape of Palestine.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 58.7 KB



On 29 November 2022 ODS in Palestine members Ofra Yeshua-Lyth (Jaffa) and Radi Jarai (Ramallah) talked with Blake Alcott about what One Democratic State is. The question of next steps was discussed towards the end.


On 8 March 2022 our member Yousef Aljamal interviewed, in Arabic, Mohammad El-Helu of Ramallah and our member Mazin Qumsiyeh of Bethlehem concerning ODS issues.


On 22 September 2021 our Director, Blake Alcott, interviewed two of our members, Ghada Karmi and Ramzy Baroud, about ODS and their personal connection to it.


4th Aug 2021. Our member, Miko Peled, spoke to Green Party of the United States on The creation of one democratic state with equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians


On 23rd June 2021 our member, Ramzy Baroud, editor of The Palestine Chronicle, spoke with Ilan Pappé on Palestine Deep Dive about the issues covered in their forthcoming book Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out in a discussion entitled “Our Vision for Liberation


Ilan Pappe speaking in Annaheim California 2008

The first two-thirds of this 30 minute video at the Sixth Al-Awda Convention are not directly to do with ODS. However, the last third makes the case for the indispensability of ODS because the broader Palestinian cause needs a vision, a compass, a clear orientation.




Awda Key in el-Azariya
Awda Key in el-Azariya